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I'm Tori Husain, and for the past 4 years I have been developing my own self brand.

And, I'd say its been working out.

sold out concerts in New York City, worked with high profile influencers in entertainment (SpiderCuz to Jasper Harris), partnering with multi-million dollar companies (from RevoltTV to Beatstars) to organizing groups (from Few Coalition to Gathering for Justice) and helping develop small business companies grow their client base on the side, I've seen the benefits 


Build out core brand essence through 1v1 consultation sessions.

  • Goals

  • Target audience

  • Mission/Vision

  • Social media content strategies - calendar + post samples

  • Marketing strategies

  • Company branding strategies. - programs, cost strategies, etc.

  • Brand kit - logo, fonts, colors, mood board

  • Website build out

  • Social media graphics

I only select a limited number of clients.
Apply with confidence + get a quote.


Apply to be a client.

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